Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Warning For Children Who Watch Too Much Television

As technology becomes more prevalent in the household, there are increasingly more cases of children developing bad habits in terms of posture and strain. Without parents guiding them and teaching them good habits, these can develop over time into a painful experience for the child when they grow older. Follow our advice to help your children get the best from their early experience with technology.

Kids love watching television. As much as parents like to spend time with them, many times it is easier for the parent to just leave the child in front of the tv and give them a good hour or so watching their favorite cartoons or shows. It is important to teach them to take their focus away from the television every few minutes and look into the distance to relax their eye muscles. Not only does this help prevent shortsightedness but it will also improve their concentration over a long term. Television has never been prove to cause bad vision in children, however the strain of the eye muscles has been shown to indirectly cause vision problems in children. Like any other exercise, relaxing a muscle can have great benefits especially when it comes to the eye.

Buy your children a proper chair which is both comfortable to sit in for long periods, and does not restrict their movement in any way. A bean bag, while comfortable, may not be the best solution for them as their spine is not naturally straight and creates a bad posture for their development. A proper chair with good back support is a must, that keeps their eyes level with the television, so they are not looking up, or down at the screen. This is also true not just for television, but also when they are in front of their computer screen.

Warning For Children Who Watch Too Much Television

If they are typing, then their arms must be comfortable and not stretched out to reach the keyboard. Remember that you should try to get smaller keyboards to accompany their smaller hands, and that the table should not be too high so their feet are off the ground. If the child is able to sit down properly then their feet should properly touch the ground in comfort. Teaching them to sit straight can be a difficult and constant thing to do as a parent, but in the long run it will provide great benefits to their back muscles when they develop.

Warning For Children Who Watch Too Much Television

Providing your kids with an early start to their good habits should be a priority. Teach them by using early educational toys to assist them with their development. Further advice can be found for free at Kids Laptop Computer site.

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