Saturday, February 9, 2013

How to Handle Difficult Behavior of 10-11 Year Old Children

Handling difficult behavior of 10-11 year old children is never an easy task; however, read further for some great tips on how mange their difficult behavior. This article isn't just for parents, it will work for anyone taking care of a 10 or 11 year old - teachers, babysitters, grandparents, and anyone that plays in a leadership role with your child.

The great thing about this age group is the children have developed attachment to things or activities. A threat to end the activity or take away a prized possession, could be just the trick to getting the child to behave. However, this will only work for a short period of time and cause more harm than good in the long run. Also, avoid using threats with your 10-11 year old, they just communicate that you are frustrated. Your child will quickly pick up on your "hot buttons" and continue to test the waters even further.

Also, while screaming or yelling may be a natural response when the child is testing your limits, try talking with them in a direct, firm manner without raising your voice. This will send a message to the child that there is a level of respect as well as disappointment in their behavior. Again, it is very important to follow through with any reprimanding.

How to Handle Difficult Behavior of 10-11 Year Old Children

Lastly, if there is another adult in the child's life, make sure they are on the same page. If you are threatening the child by taking away television privileges and the other adult allows the child to watch TV, the child's behavior will not change. If the other adult also allows the child to get away with their difficult behavior, the child will not make any progress.

Try these helpful hints and the child's behavior is bound to improve.

How to Handle Difficult Behavior of 10-11 Year Old Children

Do you want to learn exactly how to eliminate your child's out-of-control and defiant behavior without using Punishments, Time-Outs, Behavioral Plans, or Rewards? To Download and listen to my FREE audio recordings visit: Free Audio Recordings

Jason Johnson (MSW) has worked with hundreds of toddlers through teenagers diagnosed with A.D.H.D, Oppositional Defiance Disorder, Conduct Disorder, Aspergers Syndrome, Bi-polar, and SEVERE emotional/behavioral issues.

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