Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Discover The Most Popular Kids Face Painting Designs

Nothing beats the warm glow you feel when a child first sees their painted face. But how do you know which kids face painting designs you should offer? Well that's easy. Just master the most requested face paintings and you will not go wrong.

Irrespective of what the latest hit movie is, I've found the following kids face painting designs are always in demand. They never seem to lose their appeal.

The Most Popular Face Paintings For Girls

Discover The Most Popular Kids Face Painting Designs

Butterfly Fairy Princess Fantasy Bunny Rabbit Ladybug Cat Flowers Rainbow Puppy Dog

The Most Popular Face Paintings For Boys

Red Spider's Web Pirate Skull Tiger Robot Bat Clown Puppy Dog Alien Tribal

The Most Popular Halloween Face Paintings

Vampire Witch Devil Skull Spider's Web Bat Cat Alien Monster Clown

And remember, there are 5 basic principles to follow if you want to create stunning face paintings with speed and ease:

Have a collection of great designs to offer; Know exactly what steps are required for each face painting design in your collection; Use only quality paints; Use the right tools, the right way; and Know how to mix paints and blend colors.

It's best to stick to simple designs until your face painting skills improve. And of course use templates, stamps and temporary tattoos to help speed up the process.

And, whether you are painting the children of friends and family, or offering your services at school fetes, kids' parties etc, have a photo album filled with your face painting pictures. That way each child can choose the creation they would like painted on their face.

Discover The Most Popular Kids Face Painting Designs

Learn how to paint these designs with step by step face painting instructions.

Discover how easy face painting can be with these great tips.

Don't limit yourself to just kids face painting creations. After all, we adults deserve some fun too!

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Monday, February 25, 2013

Teen Crime Statistics

Crime statistics show that approximately one-third of all victims of violent crime are teenagers, between the ages of 12 and 19. Today, homicide is the second-leading cause of death for young adults, after car accidents. Each year, more than 1,500 murder victims are children and teens. While many people think that crime doesn't regularly befall children, as it's part of living in a "grown up" world, the statistics show that this is clearly not the case.

Teens are not only the victims of violent crime, but sometimes the perpetrators, too. Almost half of all violent crimes are committed by perpetrators under 25 years old. In 2006, 15% of all arrests were made on people under the age of 18, while more than 1,100 homicide suspects were under the age of 18. Children and teens regularly become both the victims and the perpetrators of violent crimes. When watching the nightly news, it's not uncommon to hear about the shooting death of a teen, or of a group of teens who are accused of assault.

Those who watch the news every night or read the daily newspaper front to back might notice that teens who choose to do positive things for the community almost never ends up as the leading story or on the front page news. Such news simply does not sell.

Teen Crime Statistics

Many news shows, not to mention politicians, are obsessed with the teen crime rate. We hear in the news daily how crime is increasing dramatically in this age group. While these statistics may certainly be shocking, in actuality they have not changed dramatically over the past decades. In fact, crime statistics show that in reality, the youth of today are not any more criminally inclined than the generations before them. In fact, some crime statistics show that today's youth are even less likely to commit certain crimes, although the FBI statistics show that the teen crime rate is rising across some categories.

With that being said, the statistics certainly do show that all too often, teens are the perpetrators of both violent and non-violent crimes. Psychologists know that adolescents' brains are undeveloped, and too often, unsupervised kids are left to their own devices and make poor choices. Most teens' risky behavior, including not only criminal behaviors but also drinking, smoking, and other poor choices, tends to peak between the hours of 3:00 and 8:00pm. With no supervision or constructive activities during this time, the U.S. Attorney's General's Office says, "we reap a massive dose of juvenile crime."

What can you do about the potential for teen crime? If you're the parent of a teen or preteen, practice "defensive parenting" by taking an approach that is both preventative and proactive. Keep teens occupied after school, and model good behavior. At the same time, recognize that they may also become the victim of a violent crime. Prepare them with pepper spray, personal alarms, and other devices, especially if you know they'll be out without adult supervision, such as at the mall or the skate park.

Teen Crime Statistics

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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Watch New England Patriots NFL Games Online

Ever wondered how to watch New England Patriots football games over the Internet? I use too, until I discovered a good way to watch National League Football (NFL) games on my computer via live streaming feed. Many times I'm stuck at work when the Patriots are playing, so I started looking for a method to catch some football games on my pc because there is no television where I work.

I like the NFL, in general, but I love the New England Patriots. Their roster is loaded with players that I like to watch and cheer for, like Tom Brady, Wes Welker, Randy Moss, and even coach Bill Belichick. This year's team proves to provide an exciting season for fans to follow. It could be a great year for them to reclaim the AFC East division.

Last year, I had to miss a couple of early games until I figured out how to watch the New England Patriots online. It was really pretty easy. I just downloaded a software program that gave access to basically any football game on TV that I wanted to watch. The program I found is easy to use and provides a quality picture. Also, I get access to more sports, movies, TV shows, history, weather, news, kids channels, and much more.

Watch New England Patriots NFL Games Online

There are a couple requirements necessary to be able to use the software. First, you must have a computer with a Windows operating system. It does have to be the latest and greatest, but it does need to be Windows. Second, your Internet connection needs to be DSL or cable. Dial-up connections are not fast enough to deliver a quality live streaming feed.

Watching the 2009 Patriots games online gives me a lot more flexibility because now I just need to be somewhere where I have access to the Internet. In other words, I can be in town or on the road and just pull up the game on my laptop. I'm just glad I never have to worry about missing a game.

Watch New England Patriots NFL Games Online

Get instant online viewing access to any NFL game by visiting http://watchnfl-gamesonline.blogspot.com.

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Saturday, February 16, 2013

What to Do When Your Step-Kids Disrespect You

Over the years, many parents in blended families have come to me to talk about the subject of disrespect. In some cases, their step-kids didn't respect them, and in others, their biological child did not respect their new spouse. The truth is a child may never respect his step-parent, but he does have to know that he can't get away with being rude or obnoxious to them. The only way to achieve the desired behavior is to be certain you and your spouse are united in making sure that your kids treat you with respect.

Lay Down the Ground Rules from the Start

If you haven't done so already, sit down with the kids in your blended family and lay out some ground rules. Start by saying, "In our family now, this is what a parent is." And, "In our family now, these are the expectations on every child." I recommend that you tell your step-kids from the beginning, "You don't have to call me Mommy, but you have to be respectful and follow my directions." And both adults need to do this with all the children in the family.

What to Do When Your Step-Kids Disrespect You

What if Your Step-kids Disrespect You?

Naturally, step-parents become very upset when their step-children are disrespectful to them. I've had parents come to me in difficult situations where the kids were really being rude or obnoxious, saying things like, "You're not my father, I don't have to listen to you!" Let me be clear: parents have to be careful, because once that kind of behavior gets entrenched, it's very difficult to stop. By being rude, kids protect themselves-and they train adults what not to ask of them and what not to expect of them.

The answer here is that you and your partner have to decide ahead of time how the kids in the family will talk to each parent. You set the expectations together, and then you remain consistent; you hold each child accountable.

Here's an example. If one of your step-kids says, "You're not my mom; I don't have to do what you say!" You can say, "No, I'm not your mother, but you have to do your homework anyway." Or, "We're not talking about me being your father. We're talking about when you're going to start your homework."

Now, the consequences for that kind of behavior should be swift and clear. The kids in the family should know that if they disrespect their step-mother or step-father, they will lose their cell phone privileges for the rest of the night, for example. In other words, there should be no tolerance for that kind of disrespect. When it comes down to it, both adults work hard for the family, both adults are struggling, both adults are making sacrifices-so the rule is that the kids have to treat them both with respect. They don't have to call them Mom or Dad unless they want to, but they have to be respectful.

Don't try to read your step-child's mind

Know that as a parent or step-parent, you cannot read your step-child's mind. In other words, if this child doesn't like you telling him what to do but he does it anyway, don't challenge him on what he's thinking. Don't worry if he's giving you "that look." When you tell him to go do his chores, if he does them whether he likes it or not, that should be enough. So, don't try to read kids' minds to determine if they really don't want to do something, or if they really don't like you. You have to let that go until everybody gets to know each other.

Here's the bottom line: if you carry yourself with respect, kids will find things to like about you. This is because kids want to like people that they respect. Know that he or she may never get over the loss of his mother or father, or that of his original family. But there's nothing you as a step-parent can do about that besides accept it and avoid getting into fights about it.

When You're Parenting, They're All Your Kids

Some parents wonder how they can be fair while still maintaining the trust of their biological child. Know that it's natural to feel a stronger connection to your own child, a special love for and commitment to them.

But in a blended family, you have to keep those thoughts in a separate compartment from parenting. Understand that when you're parenting, they're all your kids. And believe me, they're all watching the way you behave yourself, the kind of role model you are, and the kinds of things you do. So when the kids are acting out and the television is taken away for the evening as a consequence, it's not taken from the biological kids or the non-biological kids-you don't get into those distinctions. It's taken away from all the kids. And so it also becomes, "When we're going to the zoo, we're all going to the zoo-the whole family." Or "When we're watching a movie, we're all watching a movie."

You'll always feel that special connection with your biological child, don't get me wrong. But part of the thing that you'll struggle with, sometimes every day, is that you have to treat these kids the same. Don't worry that you will lose that connection with your biological kid by doing so-that will never happen. There may be anger, there may be disappointment, there may be separation, but that connection is there by nature.

When Your Child Challenges You

Often in blended families, it's very common for the biological kids to challenge their birth parents. They'll accuse them of being unfair, or say things like, "You're treating them better than me." Or, "He treats his kids better than you treat us." And you might also hear, "He treats his kids better than he treats us." And parents have to work very closely together to solve those problems.

When your child comes to you and says something unfair happened, the kind of question you have to ask is, "If I was there, what would I have seen?" So, let's say your child says, "Today she treated her kids better than us." The question you have to ask is not, "How did you feel," or "What happened," because those things get distorted. Rather, parents should be asking the investigative question: "If I was there, what would I have seen?"

Let's say the answer is, "You would have seen her give three cookies to her kids and two cookies to us." That's something they can see, not what they felt. So find out what they saw, what they heard, what was done. That's the most effective way to investigate these kinds of statements. That's also one of my key questions when parents tell me their kids are acting out at home. One of the things I used to ask them in my office was, "If I was there, what would I have seen?" And then they'll say, "You'd have seen my son punching a hole in the wall and threatening his sister and calling his brother names." I want to know what I would have seen there because that's how I can investigate what they need to do differently.

So again, you're asking for facts now. It's the parent's job to say, "Okay, I'll look into it," and then talk to the other parent in private.

Structure Time to Do Things Together: Establish a "Family Day"

If you want to come together as a family, I think you have to make rules about doing things together. So you can make the rule, "On Wednesday nights we all watch a video." This rule is in place whether the kids like it or not. Let them know that if they refuse to watch the video, then they will lose their electronics for the rest of the night. But the deal is, "We all watch a video. We all go to the zoo. We all go to the beach. We all go to the park." Don't overdo it, especially with teenagers. But doing one activity as a family per week, not including church, can be helpful in this kind of situation. Sit together in the living room eating popcorn and watching a DVD. Or go to the park together, go to the beach and find seashells. Whatever it is, find one thing a week to do together.

By the way, I say don't overdo it with teens because developmentally, their job is to start to break away. So we just want them to participate without being abusive, disrespectful or nasty. If one of your kids is 17 and doesn't want to go along, let them bring a friend. But the rule is, "You're going with us."

Instituting a family day gives kids the message that "This is important to us, and it's so important we're going to make it happen." They learn that you do things as a family and that you respect each other when you're doing them. With younger kids, having a night where you just play board games is really fun. Older kids may resist it at first, but younger kids will love it. If you start when they're small, that becomes part of their expectations for family night-and it also becomes their way of understanding how families operate.

Empower the Children in Your Family to Express Themselves

One last word about kids: children have to be empowered to express what they feel and think, and those thoughts and feelings have to be accepted at face value. When two adults decide to blend their families, kids have no choice. They can feel powerless, threatened and overwhelmed. The idea is to give them appropriate ways to express themselves so they don't have to act out their feelings behaviorally. This doesn't mean they get to make decisions about how the family will run, but they should certainly have input in an appropriate way.

This input is usually best received by the child's birth parent. If you try to do a family meeting without getting the input first, it's very likely that people will get defensive or feel threatened. But if birth parents can talk to their kids about their concerns, it is much easier to work them out, and it's much easier for the two adults to come to an agreement. So the idea is not to squelch kids, the idea is to set up a situation where they can express their feelings safely and appropriately.

Remember, no rule or situation has to last forever. Before you put any new plan into place, I recommend that you sit down with your kids and ask these questions:

How will we know this is working? How will we know something isn't working? What will we do if something works? What will we do if something doesn't work?

If you analyze the decisions you make this way, you'll always have the ability to measure if you're accomplishing what you sought to do, as well as change what you're doing if necessary.

One of the key things that a blended family needs is two adults who are mature; you've really got to grow up as a parent. It's hard to see your step-child when they come back from a holiday with their other set of parents, and they have better presents than you gave them, or when they're bragging about the things they did together-or when they're sad about the things they used to do before their original family split up. But you've got to be able to handle that. Without a doubt you may have feelings about it, but you have to have mature ways of dealing with those emotions. So, if you're hurt or frustrated-and it's normal and human to be hurt, frustrated and confused in this situation-you need to be able to talk to your partner or call your friends. If you need professional help, go to a counselor. The main thing is, you need to be able to work toward accepting the situation and not trying to control it. It's not that you shouldn't feel things-it's the way you deal with the things you feel that is important.

What to Do When Your Step-Kids Disrespect You

For three decades, behavioral therapist James Lehman, MSW, has worked with troubled teens and children with behavior problems. He has developed a practical, real-life approach to managing children and adolescents that teaches them how to solve social problems without hiding behind a facade of defiant, disrespectful, or obnoxious behavior. He has taught his approach to parents, teachers, state agencies and treatment centers in private practice and now through The Total Transformation® Program.

The Total Transformation Program® is a comprehensive step-by-step, multi-media, child behavior modification program for child behavior problems like oppositional defiance disorder and child anger issues.

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Saturday, February 9, 2013

How to Handle Difficult Behavior of 10-11 Year Old Children

Handling difficult behavior of 10-11 year old children is never an easy task; however, read further for some great tips on how mange their difficult behavior. This article isn't just for parents, it will work for anyone taking care of a 10 or 11 year old - teachers, babysitters, grandparents, and anyone that plays in a leadership role with your child.

The great thing about this age group is the children have developed attachment to things or activities. A threat to end the activity or take away a prized possession, could be just the trick to getting the child to behave. However, this will only work for a short period of time and cause more harm than good in the long run. Also, avoid using threats with your 10-11 year old, they just communicate that you are frustrated. Your child will quickly pick up on your "hot buttons" and continue to test the waters even further.

Also, while screaming or yelling may be a natural response when the child is testing your limits, try talking with them in a direct, firm manner without raising your voice. This will send a message to the child that there is a level of respect as well as disappointment in their behavior. Again, it is very important to follow through with any reprimanding.

How to Handle Difficult Behavior of 10-11 Year Old Children

Lastly, if there is another adult in the child's life, make sure they are on the same page. If you are threatening the child by taking away television privileges and the other adult allows the child to watch TV, the child's behavior will not change. If the other adult also allows the child to get away with their difficult behavior, the child will not make any progress.

Try these helpful hints and the child's behavior is bound to improve.

How to Handle Difficult Behavior of 10-11 Year Old Children

Do you want to learn exactly how to eliminate your child's out-of-control and defiant behavior without using Punishments, Time-Outs, Behavioral Plans, or Rewards? To Download and listen to my FREE audio recordings visit: Free Audio Recordings

Jason Johnson (MSW) has worked with hundreds of toddlers through teenagers diagnosed with A.D.H.D, Oppositional Defiance Disorder, Conduct Disorder, Aspergers Syndrome, Bi-polar, and SEVERE emotional/behavioral issues.

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Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Single Parent Family Statistics - Single Parents a New Trend?

Single parent family households have become a common occurrence in the United States, and the number of these types of households has been on the rise for the last several decades. Currently in the United States, according to single parent family statistics, there are over 13 million single parents. Many of these parents do not choose to be single, but due to life circumstances such as divorce or separation, abandonment by a spouse, or death of a spouse, they find themselves raising their children alone. Nearly 85 percent of these households are headed by a female, while the remaining households are headed by a male. The vast majority of both female and male single parent households are either divorced or separated. Approximately one-third of female single parents have never been married, and less than a quarter of female single parents are remarried. Almost a quarter of single parent fathers remarried, while only about 18 percent of single fathers have never been married. Approximately 1 percent of single parents, both men and women, find themselves single parents as the result of the death of a spouse.

As single parents, both men and women face difficult, complicated decisions. Most single parent mothers and fathers work full-time jobs. However, according to single parent family statistics, even though the majority of mothers work full times jobs almost a third of these families live in poverty and approximately the same percentage receive public assistance. According to statistics, approximately 11 percent of single fathers live in poverty. In essence, about three times more single parent females live in poverty than their single male parent counterparts. These reasons could be explained by a myriad of factors, one being the discrepancy in pay between men and women in the workforce. Income is certainly not the only obstacle faced by single parent families but it may be one of the most stressful and challenging obstacles.

The health, education and behavior of children from single parent families can be adversely impacted by the absence of a parent. This is not to say that all children from single parents will suffer consequences such as these, but there is a greater chance that children from single parent families will face these issues. According to a report completed in 2005, about 63 percent of children in the United States grow up with both biological parents. That means that approximately 37 percent of children in this country grow up without both biological parents, which is reported to be one of the highest rates in the western world. Single parent family statistics indicate that black children are more likely than Asian, Hispanic and non-Hispanic white children to grow up in a single parent family or a family where both biological parents are absent. Incidences of teen pregnancy, suicide, and drug abuse are higher among children from single parent homes. In addition, children from single parent families are more likely than their counterparts to drop out of high school, go to prison, or runaway from home.

Single Parent Family Statistics - Single Parents a New Trend?
Single Parent Family Statistics - Single Parents a New Trend?

Wendy Pan is an accomplished niche website developer and author.

To learn more about single parent family statistics [http://parentingadvicenow.info/single-parent-family-statistics-single-parents-a-new-trend/], please visit Parenting Advice Now [http://parentingadvicenow.info/] for current articles and discussions.

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Sunday, February 3, 2013

Writing Games For Kids - Silly Ways to Make Writing Fun

Kids are often uncomfortable writing. Even after all the writing they do in school - or maybe as a result - they often see little value or joy in the exercise. That's why writing games for kids are so important. Making writing fun and enjoyable will break down whatever barriers are keeping your child from being able to not only enjoy writing more but to write well and with energy and excitement.

If you're a parent, you remember the tremendous joy with which you celebrated every first - first rolling over, first steps, first words. By the time they begin writing, they're four or five years old and while there are still many firsts to celebrate, there's nothing quite as transforming as first words. From the moment they're born, children are trying to communicate and they never stop. Even quiet children are communicative in their own way, using their body language to tell you how they feel or to get your attention.

I've often wondered how well our children would write if we spent as much time communicating with them in writing as we do verbally. Watch how much a young child will struggle to get his point across with the few words at his disposal, grabbing a mother's leg as a plea for understanding. He quickly realizes the important of being able to talk and to use the right words to meet his end objective. If we placed as much importance on their writing, would we see the same results? If just every now and then, children could not get their parents' attention without putting their request in writing, would we start to see faster, better writers who understand the importance of the skill?

Writing Games For Kids - Silly Ways to Make Writing Fun

Being able to write well is no less necessary to success now then it was before the advent of email, text messages, and social websites. We need to make sure our children succeed in all the major school subjects and when we make learning fun, it tends to go down better - like a spoonful of sugar with medicine, as the song goes.

So try a few silly games to get kids writing as much as possible. You can turn many games into writing games for kids. Take the old grapevine game where information is whispered person to person until it turns into something else by the time it hits the last child. Instead of whispering, have one child write out a full sentence on a piece of paper and pass it to the next player. Have the next child rewrite the same sentence on a new piece of paper but instruct them to change one word. Have the next child do the same. When the last child has finished their sentence, they should give it to the first player to read aloud. All children will be amazed at how the sentence has changed with only slight modifications at each step.

Writing Games For Kids - Silly Ways to Make Writing Fun

Try more writing games for kids at home or in school activities and not only will you be expanding a child's ability to write but also their vocabulary and penmanship - skills that will last a lifetime.

Erica Stone is an online content writer who spends considerable amounts of time with thoughts and words and the mother of three boys who provide plenty of material with which to work.

Proactive use of games and kids' writing software has played a significant role in her being able to improve the writing skills of her own children.

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