Sunday, January 20, 2013

Kids Self-Esteem - A Story to Grow Confidence

Children love stories. You all do. You watch television and movies to get carried away by a story. You relate to the character you see on the screen who has similar life challenges. You compare your abilities and potential to the larger-than-life stars of the screen.

Stories have been used since the beginning of time to teach new concepts and raise awareness. If you are particularly inspired by a story, it may spark a change in your thinking and/or behavior. A good story wakes up your thinking in new and different ways.

When it comes to raising self-esteem, a good story about someone who struggles with an issue of confidence, who has a step-by-step process that is followed to overcome a lack of self-assurance, and is successful in overcoming anxiety, can be inspiring and even life-changing.

Kids Self-Esteem - A Story to Grow Confidence

Here is a story to open up children's imaginations up to the concept of being a strong and confident person. It is about tapping into the strength you posses within. It is about becoming aware of and using tools you already posses that can easily be used to feel strong and secure.

Did you know that we all have a superhero have inside of us? Let me tell you a story. Matt is a really, really good soccer player. He wants to be on the soccer team. Trouble is, to play on the team, he has to tryout in front of the coach and the other kids, and Matt is really, really shy. So he keeps practicing his dribbles and getting better and faster - he feels good. Then he realizes it's only 3 weeks to tryouts and he starts getting nervous! What if I screw up in front of all those people?!

But Matt keeps working the ball and practicing. Now tryouts are only 2 weeks away and he starts tripping and missing easy goals! What's wrong! Mom says he'll be fine. Dad says not to worry that Mr. Jones is the coach! Well, what dad doesn't know is that Mr. Jones son, Randy Jones, is the meanest kid in the whole neighborhood and is always teasing Matt. Great! That makes him even more nervous! And his soccer playing gets terrible!

Now it's 1 week to go until tryouts, Matt is messing around with the soccer ball when he feels it, deep down inside he knows he can do this! Actually, Matt feels like there's another person inside him, someone who's been there all along - a very strong and brave person - kind of like a... a superhero! Yah, that's it, a superhero!

Nah, this is too weird! But it's there! So Matt finds his Superhero again. He lets his superhero grow strong inside of him. Man, does he feel great! Like he can do anything! Then he goes back to kicking the ball. Score! Score! Score!

This is great! Matt even gives his superhero a name, "Super Soccer Guy" and he feels strong and good about himself. And guess what? He doesn't feel as nervous any more. Not even Randy Jones can get in his way now!

Matt is going to try out for the soccer team and he's going to let "Super Soccer Guy" grow strong and tall and he's going to play the best ever! Yeah, Matt!

We all have a superhero inside of us! You so too!"

Please share this story with your child. Also, share your experiences of times when you've pushed through the barrier of anxiety. It will have a profound effect on his/her ability to tap into and use the strongest part of him/herself.

Kids Self-Esteem - A Story to Grow Confidence

Visit us at for more tips on strong, simple self-assurance.

For more Superhero information, visit

Sally Morgan helps parents and teachers raise children's self-confidence with Superhero Self-Esteem™. We all have a place deep inside that feels strong and sure. With Superhero Self-Esteem workouts, you can build a kid's self-assurance in 10 minutes a day!

Sally Morgan -

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