Thursday, January 31, 2013

Bible Story Crafts For Kids - The Good Shepherd Craft & Game

This adorable sheep is one of our Easy Bible Story Crafts for Kids for kindergarten, first grade and second grade. Creating and displaying this cute, fluffy sheep reinforces the Scripture that tells us Jesus watches over us and calls us, like a good shepherd calls his sheep.

This is one of our Kids Bible Crafts that is complimented by a game. The craft and game help children to remember the verses: "I am the good shepherd. I know each of My sheep by name, and My sheep know Me." "Those who come through Me will be saved. They will have everything they need." Scripture: John 10:1-21


Bible Story Crafts For Kids - The Good Shepherd Craft & Game

Empty toilet paper roll Cotton balls (30 to 40) 4 Q-Tips Elmer's School Glue White tissue paper Brown pipe cleaner (only if a ram) Clear tape Disposable container (such as a margarine container) Black construction paper Paper punch or scissors

For support, stuff paper (any kind) inside the toilet paper roll, leaving about an inch empty from the end. Create the sheep's legs by taping the Q-tips to toilet paper roll. Create the sheep's head by scrunching up some tissue paper and stuffing part of it into the end of the roll. Pour a little glue into the container. To add the sheep's wool, dip cotton balls into the glue and press onto the cardboard roll. Once it is covered, add another layer or more until the sheep is nice and wooly. Create the eyes with a paper puncher and the construction paper. Use glue to adhere to the front of the sheep's tissue paper face. For a ram, do Steps 1-6 and then add horns, which are made by twisting pipe cleaner into two curly cues and attaching with glue. Allow to dry.
Displaying the Sheep

Before children bring their sheep home, you may want to create a classroom display:

Begin with a tray of wheat grass you've grown and trimmed short or Easter basket grass spread out evenly. Add shepherd or Jesus figurine or paper doll. Invite children to add their sheep to assemble the flock around the shepherd!
Stray Sheep Game

This tag game is sort of a classroom version of the backyard pool game, Marco Polo. The child playing the stranger is blindfolded and stands in the center of the circle. The others are the sheep and wander around the inside of the circle.

The blindfolded stranger tries to tag the sheep. When calling "Sheep!" the others must reply with "Baa-baa." The first sheep tagged takes the place of the stranger. This game reinforces the lesson that just like the sheep we should only answer to our Good Shepherd.

Look on our site for more Easy Kids Crafts and Bible Kids Crafts.

Bible Story Crafts For Kids - The Good Shepherd Craft & Game

For more great Bible story crafts for kids you can visit Bible Crafts For Kids. Magriet is a work at home "Gran" and she has sites on family matters. For more bible story crafts for kids you can go to Fun Kids Crafts []. For a fun Mother's day craft you can go to Mother's Day Crafts For Kids []

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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

What is Adult Ear Infection?

Adult Ear Infection

Though adults are not affected as frequently as children, it is important for adults to be aware of how adult ear infection can affect them. Adult ear infection is caused by infection in the Eustachian tube, near the inner ear. The Eustachian tube connects the inner ear to the nasal passages in order to drain fluid from the ears and equalize pressure between outside and inside of the body, but when fluid or mucous builds up in the Eustachian tube, it is an easy target for infection.

There are many situations in which adult ear infection can surface. A cold can cause fluid build up and infection in the Eustachian tube. Post nasal drip may also contribute. An adult does not necessarily need to be sick to get adult ear infection. Often, the infection is caused by mucous being blown into the Eustachian tubes by blowing the nose or failing to clean the liquid out of the ear with a cotton swab after showering.

What is Adult Ear Infection?

In one of every four cases in children, ear infection is not caused by a bacterial infection but by a viral infection. Viruses often cause adult ear infection as well. Viral infections are much more difficult to eliminate.

Adult Ear Infection Complications

However adult ear infections are contracted there are complications to be aware of. If these complications are caught early, the infection can be more easily dealt with. Complications associated with adult ear infection include fluid in the ear, pressure, and pain.

Part of the reason for the pressure and pain is that the tissue in the inner ear swells due to infection or trapped fluid. Often, the adenoids also swell due to infection. The swelling pushes into the ear.

Other complications include temporary hearing loss. The sound is obstructed due to the swelling, but no damage is actually done to the inner ear when the infection is treated. Even after the pressure is relieved and the infection has subsided, fluid may build up permanently in parts of the ear.

Adult Ear Infection Treatments

Whether bacterial or viral, adult ear infection may be treated and any buildup removed. With bacterial infections, antibiotics are necessary. Fortunately, bacterial infections can be very simple to treat.

Viral infections are more complicated to treat and may necessitate a myringotomy, which is a minor surgery in which a small plastic tube is inserted into the eardrum. This acts as a vent to relieve the pressure of the buildup or infection. It also drains the fluid remaining in the ear. This little tube is not permanent; it falls out automatically after a short time.

If the adenoids have caused the build up and the infections in the ear, they may need to be removed. They are just like tonsils in that they aren't necessary and can easily be removed without complications.

Adult Ear Infection Prevention

Prevention of adult ear infection is simple. Nasal spray flushes out bacteria and pollutants which could cause build up and infection. Even allergens can be washed out. The important element necessary in effective nasal spray is xylitol, which naturally repels bacteria before it has a chance to settle into the nasal tissue.

Chewing gum containing xylitol may also loosen and relieve pressure in the ear while at the same time releasing xylitol into the mouth and throat and preventing bacteria to move up to the nasal passages and into the ear. Studies have proven the use of xylitol-rich gum reduces the risk of ear infection.

What is Adult Ear Infection?

Joe Miller is a specialist in online advertising []. More information on adult ear infection [], visit

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Sunday, January 27, 2013

What Are The Different Autism Types in Children

As more and more is understood about autism, it would seem there are more and more autism types. Though the term autism is a blanket term, there are different degrees. No two children with this condition will be exactly the same, but there can be similarities. Some children are very high functioning, and they have very few problems, and there are others who seem almost unreachable. These different autism types do have different names, and there are more and more things being learned about each of them.

Asperger's Disorder

Asperger's is a relatively new diagnosis, and you might hear this term many times when you hear about autism. People with this type of autism are usually socially awkward and do not mix well with others. They tend to have an obsessive interest in patterns of all types. However, they do have good language skills and have great adaptation skills. They are, however, often impaired somewhat when it comes to motor skills. This is often misdiagnosed as other things like Attention Deficit Disorder or Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. It is also thought that those with Asperger's have a sort of genius. They normally have a talent that they spend much of their time on. Some suggest that Albert Einstein may have had Asperger's.

What Are The Different Autism Types in Children

Kanner's Syndrome (classic autistic disorder)

This was named for Dr. Kanner, who first put a name to this disorder in the 1930s and 40s. This is probably the most well known type of autism, and the one many think of when they hear the term. These children seem to have extremely limited emotional outreach or connections with others. They thrive on exact routines, and have learning disabilities. They are often fascinated with objects and movements. Kanner's Syndrome is often the lowest functioning end of the disorder, and these children (and adults) tend to be very drawn into themselves and have extremely limited communication skills. They often get agitated if the do not eat the same foods and watch the same things on television day in and day out.

Pervasive Developmental Disorder--Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS).

The differences between this type of autism and classic autism are very slight indeed. Children diagnosed as having PDD-NOS tend to display the same characteristics with only really doctors and researchers able to distinguish the differences. The type of care and interventions required will be similar.

Rett's Syndrome

Rett's is fairly uncommon, and seems to be diagnosed exclusively in girls. It was named for Dr Rett of Australia. These girls often have severe muscular problems, and are prone to autistic behaviors. They may make and do obsessive things with their hands on a constant basis. Those with Rett's will be very low functioning and will probably need life long care, as they are usually mentally retarded. Though this condition has been known since the 60s, a gene thought to be responsible was found in the late 90s.

Childhood Disintegrative Disorder

This happens to children who appear to be healthy at birth. Somewhere between the ages of two and four they suddenly regress. They may not potty train, and they lose the ability to socialize with other children. All speech development may stop, or even regress. They may also lose interest in playing and have problems with motor skills that they once had mastered.

These are a few of the more common autism types, but there are others out there. Each comes with its own unique set of challenges, and each child is different. These traits will go on into adulthood, and many will require lifelong care, and even though they may show a strong sense of independence, the mundane things we can all do for ourselves seem to be lost in the shuffle of repetition and routine.

What Are The Different Autism Types in Children

By Rachel Evans. Sign up for a free newsletter for more information on autistic.In the newsletter you'll find out more about the signs and symptoms of autism.

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Friday, January 25, 2013

Adult TV Online For Free - How to Watch Internet Adult Movies & TV

1. How You Can Watch Adult Movies, Films, Shows Online and Get Away With It

Adult TV online for free of charge has become a big hit since TV networks realized that TV can be broadcast through the internet. It is now easily possible to watch sex movies on the internet for absolutely free. All you may need to do is download an easy to install satellite TV on PC program and you are as good as ready.

2. Watching Internet TV For Free and In Private

Adult TV Online For Free - How to Watch Internet Adult Movies & TV

Watching adult TV from the internet on your PC removes the headache of finding some private time to watch x rated movies. It is the best treat that you can ask for when it comes to offering sex TV channels in a private home office. Most people will no longer have to tip toe to the basement computer in the dad of the night to join those adult porn sites anymore.

As long as you've got everyone believing you are doing some serious work on PC at your home office, then you will have your peace. Lets not deny it, it's a fact of life.

3. No Membership Fee Required To View adult Television Online

Online adult TV channels will not require the expensive membership fee you pay to join the extreme sites. You also have a choice to make between soft and hardcore adult movies and channels. Further, you can choose to view adult TV online from other world TV channels which are available on your PC.

4. Translated Text for Foreign Language Adult Movie Sub-Titles

One of the most favorite PC software for online free movies offers over 3000 channels from around the world. One may not need a translation here to understand this universal language of sex.

Another huge advantage of internet free adult TV on the computer monitor is that they offer translated text at the bottom of the screen. This means you will be able to understand most of the things being said on the movies.

5. Porn Computer Software Download on Your PC

To be able to watch online porn TV, you will need to download the software and install it in your PC like any other operating software. The download usually takes less than 2 minutes. Once you have downloaded the software, you will need a media player from which to watch the adult content and generally the TV shows.

A good free media player is the windows media player which can be downloaded at no charge. This media player offers you a lot of versatility in that you can adjust the picture quality, size and sound. Watch a demo of adult TV software for your pc, see below.

Adult TV Online For Free - How to Watch Internet Adult Movies & TV

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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Kids Will Love an Ambrosia Fruit Salad With Cool Whip

Ambrosia salad is a traditional dish. Many people remember it being served on holidays or at family gatherings. The recipe first appeared near the end of the 19th century. Any variety of fruit may be added according to what is available at the time. In today's versions, canned fruit is often used, especially in the winter.

No matter what you remember about ambrosia salad, it is a kid's paradise. Served with all the rest of the dishes in a meal, where else can a kid get to eat whipped cream and marshmallows during dinner? Made with Cool Whip, you do not need to worry so much about the dressing separating like it does with homemade whipped cream.

Serve up some fresh ambrosia salad at your next big meal and watch the kids gravitate towards the bowl. Once they taste that sweet delicious salad coated in whipped cream, they will pile it on their plates. They love picking out the cherries and saving them for last. You can make it even more fun by adding the tinted mini marshmallows so they stand out in the whipped cream. The colorful pink, green, orange, and yellow marshmallows really please the children at the table.

Kids Will Love an Ambrosia Fruit Salad With Cool Whip

Serve the ambrosia salad when you barbecue, or with any holiday meal. It goes well with roast turkey or roast beef. It is making a bit of a comeback as a nostalgic dish for some people. The creamy whipped cream and fluffy marshmallows are sure to get the kids to eat a few bites of fruit hidden in the thick topping. Be prepared for a sugar rush after dinner, though... make sure the kids have a place where they can run around and use up all the energy they took in during the meal.

For those of us who are older, a bite of ambrosia salad can bring back memories of our own childhoods. The creamy topping and buried fruit treasures make for an adventure in itself with each bite. Perhaps your mother or grandmother made the recipe with sweetened condensed milk instead of Cool Whip, or perhaps she chose different fruit pieces. This is a salad that transcends the age differences as everyone enjoys it for their own reasons.

Next time you need to make something special, think about ambrosia salad. It will add a touch of sweetness to any meal.

Recipe for Ambrosia Salad

This traditional salad is sweet and delicious!

What You Need

1 8-ounce container of Cool Whip, thawed 1/2 cup sour cream 1-1/2 cups flaked coconut 1 16-ounce can fruit cocktail, drained 1 8-ounce can pineapple bits, drained 1 11-ounce can mandarin orange segments, drained 3 cups mini marshmallows 3 bananas, sliced 1 10-ounce jar maraschino cherries, drained 1 teaspoon nutmeg 1 teaspoon cinnamonHow to Make It

Combine all the ingredients in a large bowl. Mix well to combine thoroughly.

Chill for at least one hour before serving.

Kids Will Love an Ambrosia Fruit Salad With Cool Whip

When you are looking for easy party appetizers, do not forget to consider fruit. Sliced fresh fruit served with marshmallow fluff fruit dip is always a hit, especially with the kids. It is a wonderful way to get more fruit in their diets or to introduce new fruits. - You Make the Appetizers, We Help You Make Them Delicious

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Sunday, January 20, 2013

Kids Self-Esteem - A Story to Grow Confidence

Children love stories. You all do. You watch television and movies to get carried away by a story. You relate to the character you see on the screen who has similar life challenges. You compare your abilities and potential to the larger-than-life stars of the screen.

Stories have been used since the beginning of time to teach new concepts and raise awareness. If you are particularly inspired by a story, it may spark a change in your thinking and/or behavior. A good story wakes up your thinking in new and different ways.

When it comes to raising self-esteem, a good story about someone who struggles with an issue of confidence, who has a step-by-step process that is followed to overcome a lack of self-assurance, and is successful in overcoming anxiety, can be inspiring and even life-changing.

Kids Self-Esteem - A Story to Grow Confidence

Here is a story to open up children's imaginations up to the concept of being a strong and confident person. It is about tapping into the strength you posses within. It is about becoming aware of and using tools you already posses that can easily be used to feel strong and secure.

Did you know that we all have a superhero have inside of us? Let me tell you a story. Matt is a really, really good soccer player. He wants to be on the soccer team. Trouble is, to play on the team, he has to tryout in front of the coach and the other kids, and Matt is really, really shy. So he keeps practicing his dribbles and getting better and faster - he feels good. Then he realizes it's only 3 weeks to tryouts and he starts getting nervous! What if I screw up in front of all those people?!

But Matt keeps working the ball and practicing. Now tryouts are only 2 weeks away and he starts tripping and missing easy goals! What's wrong! Mom says he'll be fine. Dad says not to worry that Mr. Jones is the coach! Well, what dad doesn't know is that Mr. Jones son, Randy Jones, is the meanest kid in the whole neighborhood and is always teasing Matt. Great! That makes him even more nervous! And his soccer playing gets terrible!

Now it's 1 week to go until tryouts, Matt is messing around with the soccer ball when he feels it, deep down inside he knows he can do this! Actually, Matt feels like there's another person inside him, someone who's been there all along - a very strong and brave person - kind of like a... a superhero! Yah, that's it, a superhero!

Nah, this is too weird! But it's there! So Matt finds his Superhero again. He lets his superhero grow strong inside of him. Man, does he feel great! Like he can do anything! Then he goes back to kicking the ball. Score! Score! Score!

This is great! Matt even gives his superhero a name, "Super Soccer Guy" and he feels strong and good about himself. And guess what? He doesn't feel as nervous any more. Not even Randy Jones can get in his way now!

Matt is going to try out for the soccer team and he's going to let "Super Soccer Guy" grow strong and tall and he's going to play the best ever! Yeah, Matt!

We all have a superhero inside of us! You so too!"

Please share this story with your child. Also, share your experiences of times when you've pushed through the barrier of anxiety. It will have a profound effect on his/her ability to tap into and use the strongest part of him/herself.

Kids Self-Esteem - A Story to Grow Confidence

Visit us at for more tips on strong, simple self-assurance.

For more Superhero information, visit

Sally Morgan helps parents and teachers raise children's self-confidence with Superhero Self-Esteem™. We all have a place deep inside that feels strong and sure. With Superhero Self-Esteem workouts, you can build a kid's self-assurance in 10 minutes a day!

Sally Morgan -

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Monday, January 14, 2013

Great Christmas Gift Ideas For Adults And Kids

With Christmas just round the corner, you must be looking for some great Christmas gift ideas now. If you want to be like Santa Claus and bring the perfect gifts to your loved ones this Christmas, you have to start planning early so as to purchase something that the receivers need and love. So how do you make the right gift selection? Below are some tips to help you decide on what you should buy.

1. For adults
Clothing and jewellery are very personal gifts to receive on Christmas. They should only be given if you are very close to the receiver and you really understand the person very well. You need to know what are the colors and designs of the clothing and jewellery he or she will like.

For clothing, you should refrain from giving the common sweater gifts because it is likely that the receiver has more than one such gift. Unless you are knitting the sweater personally for your loved ones or you know that the old one has given way, this is not an ideal gift to hand out on Christmas.

Great Christmas Gift Ideas For Adults And Kids

As for jewellery, do be careful what you give because if it is for a friend, you do not want to give the receiver a wrong impression. Some jewellery pieces do have some hidden connotations. For instance, rings symbolise a proposal for marriage and a necklace indicates that you wish to tie the person down in a long-term and romantic relationship. Moreover, these items can also be very costly, so do plan your budget and consider your intentions carefully beforehand.

There are other great Christmas gift ideas for adults which are not so personal, for example, books on self improvement, household appliances such as coffee makers, boxes of chocolates, stuff toys for ladies, wallets, watches, pens and sunglasses, etc.

The key point to note when you are selecting a gift for an adult is that it should be something that the receiver desires or that you have noticed that it is an item he or she lacks but you know that it is an item that will benefit the user.

2. For kids
Some people feel that buying Christmas gifts for children is harder than for adults because you want the child's face to brighten up upon seeing the gift. However, if you do not understand the child, for instance when you are selecting a gift for a distant relative or friend's child, you are more likely to face problems.

There are some very general items you can buy, such as clothes, books and toys but again you will wonder what clothes sizes you should get and what kinds of books or games or toys the child will like. An easy way out of this situation is to ask the parents for suggestions.

You may be surprised but parents will be more than willing to talk about the likes and dislikes of their kids. They will also hope that their kids receive a variety of presents. Thus, you can ask the parents for a wish list. If it is a close friend, you might even want to offer a price range.

With the above great Christmas gift ideas, I believe you are now better prepared to start your Christmas shopping this year. Carry out your shopping early to avoid the last minute rush and crowd. It will also help prevent you from forgetting a gift for someone or from buying on impulse.

Great Christmas Gift Ideas For Adults And Kids

With Christmas just round the corner, have you purchased suitable gifts for all your loved ones or do you need some Christmas gift ideas? Check out now! Remember, you don't want to do a last minute rush for Christmas shopping!

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Saturday, January 12, 2013

Karaoke Machine For Kids - How to Choose the Right One

Just about all children love karaoke. It is so much fun to watch how excited they get when they hold the microphone for the first time, start playing around with the controls and actually become part of the music. Kids just naturally love to perform and show off. And a karaoke machine for kids is a great way for them to express themselves like no other toy.

Kids tend to get bored with many toys after a while, but a karaoke machine will keep them captivated for longer than most. And unlike many toys, these machines can be educational too. Many models come with a monitor or the ability to hook up to a TV so that they can read the lyrics which can improve their reading skills. It is as well an extremely interactive type of toy, because the child utilizes their own creativity and can interact with other kids or members of the family.

The selection of machines is huge with many manufacturers offering numerous models. Several models have CD players so that your son or daughter can listen to music when they are not performing. Others come with video cameras so that they can record their performances and play them back later.

Karaoke Machine For Kids - How to Choose the Right One

When shopping for a karaoke machine for kids remember that different models are suggested for certain age groups just like other toys. The models for young kids will offer fewer controls and choices making it simpler for the little ones to operate. Models for teens will be more advanced, offering more options to customize the sound.

An additional consideration to think about when picking out the machine is that many use a theme like Hanna Montana and other Disney characters as well as Hello Kitty, Barbie and many, many more. The music selections are vast too with something to please any child. You will have no problem finding music from their favorite television shows and movies.

When finally making your purchase you will first need to decide what you want to spend. Your budget may be small if the child is small because they will outgrow the features soon and want something more advanced. Some kids love karaoke so much that they have had several machines while growing up.

If the child is older, features and functions of the machine will be more important. You may need to be prepared to spend more to get these advanced features. As the child ages they will naturally want more complex things to interact with.

You will need to know which music format you want. The current options for karaoke music is in three different formats. These are CDG, DVD and VCD. Each one is clearly different in terms of quality, background videos, and music choice.

Be sure to check the audio and video inputs/outputs of any machines you may be considering. A quality karaoke machine will provide you with the ability to connect numerous external devices. This will open up an additional avenue for gifts down the road.

The options and considerations for the purchase of your karaoke machine for kids are many. It is really not difficult though because no one knows your kid better than you. And, you may find yourself addicted to karaoke as well so keep that in mind too.

Karaoke Machine For Kids - How to Choose the Right One

If you have children, a karaoke machine for kids is a great gift idea. Please visit our site, where you'll find reviews and information about the best machines to purchase.

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